Minds On Physics Teacher App - Manual
Unlocking the Teacher App
You will receive a download code from the MOP administrator in an email. Once downloaded and installed, the app is in a locked state. It is a useless app in the locked state and can do nothing when in this state. (This is to prevent students who happen to acquire to be able to use it.) You will also receive a 24-character Validation Code. The Validation Code and your Minds On Physics Teacher Code can be used to unlock the app and its potential. Unlocking an app only unlocks for your Teacher Code. The Teacher Code cannot be changed.
To unlock the app, open the app and tap on the Start Minds On Physics button. This opens the unlock screen. Enter your teacher code in the specified location. And enter your Validation Code in the 6 fields. Capital letters are not required for the Validation Code. As you enter your code with four letters per field, the program automatically tabs to the next field after the fourth letter is entered. Once the information is entered, click on the Unlock Teacher App button.
Follow up the unlocking of the app with the entry of your name. Once done, you are ready to do Minds On Physics.

One subtle note: If at anytime in the future you wish to change your name, you can do so by clicking on your name when starting up the app. A dialogue box opens and you will be invited to enter a different name. This name will be saved and used thereafter.