Acquiring a Teacher Account
Our Minds On Physics program is still transitioning from the Shockwave-based, Legacy version that operates in the browser to an app-based program that is independent of the browser. Many schools have already transitioned to the use of our Minds On Physics apps. Other schools are still using the browser version. We suspect that some day in the near future, all browsers will drop support for Shockwave and the app-version of Minds On Physics will be the only functional version.
If a teacher wishes to use Minds On Physics the App with their classes as a homework tool or a combination of homework-classwork tool, then the teacher may wish to consider the purchase of a Minds On Physics Teacher Account. The value of having such an account is discussed on our Teacher Use page. By purchasing a teacher account, a teacher will receive an official Teacher Code that can be entered by their students when creating an account. Student success codes will be based upon this Teacher Code (and the student's ID number). The Teacher Account provides the teacher access to a password-protected website where student success codes can be checked. It takes about 15 minutes to validate a unit's worth of homework for a typical class.
Teacher accounts also provide teachers with the ability to quickly preview questions within any given mission using the Teacher Preview mode. The mode can be used to discuss specific questions with a class in advance of giving an assignment. Teacher Preview mode is also useful during short help sessions with students; it allows the teacher to quickly finding that troublesome question that the student keeps missing. Finally, the Teacher Preview mode allows a teacher to customize a mission by removing up to two groups of questions that are in the mission. A more complete discussion of the teacher preview mode and mission customization can be found at the Teacher Use page.
As of this update (October, 2018), we have completed the construction and testing of an app-version of the program for Mac and Windows computers. We are currently distributing both versions; contact the MOP Administrator if interested. The Mac version is signed and certified. We are working on the creation of an installer program that self-installs the Windows app without any security warnings. Once complete (early November, we hope), we will be able to distribute and signed and certified version of both Mac and WIndows Teacher Apps that pass all security protocols and operated seamlessly on both platforms. The app version of the Teacher program available to any teacher who is currently registered with a teacher account.
Buy Now
In years past, Minds On Physics teacher accounts had to be renewed on an annual basis for $50. The annual payments made the program sustainable. Since the release of the App version of the program, we have relied mostly on App sales to support the program and we no longer require an annual renewal. As such, any teacher who purchases a teacher account during the 2015-16 or the 2016-17 school year or the 2017-18 school year will automatically have a Teacher account for the upcoming 2018-19 school year without the annual renewal cost. It's our way of saying "Thanks for hanging in there with us as we make the Shockwave to App transition."
If you currently do not have a Teacher Account, you are welcome to purchase one. You would be purchasing access to our browser-based, Shockwave-reliant Teacher Module. The teacher side is a Shockwave-based program that works with the same technology used for the Shockwave-based internet modules found on our website. Teachers that are interested in purchasing a Minds On Physics Teacher Account can make a payment using PayPal's secure payment system. Payments may be made using most major credit cards or a PayPal account. To get started, simply fill out the short form below and click on the Buy Now button to complete the payment process at PayPal. Once paid for at PayPal, all sales are final and refunds are not granted. Thus, please be certain that the Shockwave version of the program works on your computer before purchasing. Information about getting the Shockwave plug-in to work in a browser is available on our updated Troubleshooting page. Once purchased you will have access to the Shockwave-based teacher version for as long as you can get Shockwave to work within the browser.
When you purchase a Teacher Account, we also offer you our free Teacher App. The app version will do everything that the Shockwave-based version does without the need for a Shockwave plug-in. We are currently distributing both the Mac and Windows version of the Teacher App. It is not available in the Mac AppStore or he Windows Store. You can receive it from us upon request; use the site email to request the app The app version will be free of charge during the 2018-19 school year. Updates about this project will be made available on this page as well as on our social media platforms - Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.
If you wish to view the manual for our Teacher App, click here.

Your order will be quickly processed. Once processed, you will be assigned a teacher code and receive an email with instructions on how to finalize the set-up of your account and gain access to the teacher side of MOP.
Ordering by P.O.
Schools and other institutions that prefer a different manner of payment can contact The Physics Classroom with their preferred method of payment. Purchase orders are accepted via email or snail mail. Individuals that wish to pay by check can also email The Physics Classroom for ordering instructions. Include your name, your school name and the email(s) of the registering teacher(s) in order to expedite the registration process.
[email protected]
Please enter MOP Teacher Account in the Subject line of the email. You will receive a prompt reply that will get your students MOP-ping within a day or two.