Terms and Conditions


Last Updated: 7/1/2024



The Physics Classroom is an education website that seeks to provide assistance to those who are making efforts to learn and/or teach Physics. The website is operated by The Physics Classroom, LLC. While most of our material is free to use on an as-is basis, we do offer low-cost premium services that can be acquired by the purchase of a Task Tracker subscription.

Accuracy and Usefulness of Information

We do our best at all times to present accurate information regarding Physics concepts. That being said, materials on our website may on occasion be found to contain typographical, formatting, technical, and programming errors. We reserve the right to make edits to such content at any time to improve the accuracy and the user experience. However, we do not make a commitment to update the materials upon request of a given user. And we do not guarantee that all users will find our presentation of information accurate or beneficial.

Task Tracker Subscriptions

We offer schools and teachers a premium service that allows them to track the progress of their students on activities found on our website. The program is referred to as Task Tracker and is made available at our Store as a low-cost premium service.  We collect as little information as needed from students to establish a Task Tracker account - typically, a first name, a last name (or initial), and a username (an email address is the preferred username) - in order to provide them with services. We never sell or share such information with others. Users are free to refuse to provide such requested information with the understanding that we may not be able to provide such desired services. A user's continued use of our website will be regarded as acceptance of our practices with respect to personal privacy and the handling of personal information.
A Task Tracker subscription purchase involves the purchase of a specified number of seats that allow a teacher to track students' progress on specified sections of our website. Details about these sections and the costs can be found at our Store. Subscribers and teachers are responsible for managing their Task Tracker subscription.  Such management includes monitoring individuals who join a class to insure that only approved students enroll. After the 20th day of a class, any seat that has been used is no longer distributable to another student. If a student drops a class after the 20th day, the seat that they used is not recoverable. If a student switches to the class of another teacher, Task Tracker can be used to transfer such a student without the expense of an additional seat. If there are large quantities of transfers at any time of the year, our program makes it possible to perform mass transfers of students. 
The subscription season begins on August 1 and ends on July 31 of the following calendar year.  We encourage subscribers to purchase only the number of seats that they need. Purchases may be made by purchase order.  Payments may be made by check, credit card, or ACH transfers. If a subscription runs out of seats, the subscription capacity can be upgraded at any time during the subscription season in packets of 5 seats. Purchase orders are only permitted for upgrades that exceed $50.  Seats that are not used during a subscription season cannot be carried over nor credited towards the next subscription season.

Copyright and intellectual property

The copyright ownership of all text, graphics, animations video, computer code, and other content belongs to The Physics Classroom, LLC. Use of our website does not grant its users the right to display or post such content on other websites and in other projects nor to violate our rights to copyright in any manner. When exceptions to this rule are intended, they are clearly stated as such.

Limitation of Liability

In no event shall The Physics Classroom, LLC be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on our website.

Links to Other Websites

The Physics Classroom, LLC occasionally maintains links to other websites that we have found at one time to be useful and of high quality. However, we may not have reviewed the entirety of such sites and are not responsible for the content found on such external websites. Use of any such linked website is done at the user's own risk. If such websites do happen to undergo change and appear to be inappropriate, we appreciate the heads-up so that we can remove such links.

User Restrictions

Users of our website must agree to the following:

  • Users are not permitted to download portions or the entirety of our website for placement on other storage locations. Storage of our content is restricted to our own servers.
  • Users are not permitted to frame the content of our pages inside of a browser page located on another server. Our content should only be displayed on pages that exist on our own website.
  • Students should not impersonate teachers in an effort to acquire a teacher account for the purpose of benefitting themselves. When we discover such efforts, we contact the teachers of that school. We do not provide refunds of such purchases. We strip the individual of their wrongfully-acquired teacher rights.
  • Users are not permitted to post screencasts of pages and activities on our website to other services such as YouTube unless they make such videos restricted (private) to their own students. Nor are users permitted to publish answers to activities on our website to publicly accessible web domains or any electronic medium of communication. These practices interfere with the over-arching goal of many teachers who purchase accounts on our website. These practices are also a violation of our copyright ownership to the website material that costs us considerable time and money to create.


Termination of accounts/service

We reserve the right to terminate the account of any account holder who violates any of our policies - including the above restrictions. We will also terminate the account(s) of any individual who is discovered to have made an intentional effort to penetrate our website's security systems.

Advertising and Ad-Free Access

We serve ads on our website. This practice allows us to provide our services and develop additional resources. The revenue earned from the ad displays insures the continued development of resources while keeping the website free and the cost of premium services low. We provide information in our Privacy Policy about how to opt out of advertising and targeted advertising. Schools who purchase subscriptions on our website can be assured that we do not sell or distribute the information that is provided to us. That information is kept private and not distributed to advertising agencies. We make every effort to block ad categories that are not suitable for school-aged children. Purchasing a Task Tracker subscription does not provide ad-free access. We offer schools and individuals an ad-free option at an additional per-student cost. We consider schools and individuals who choose not to purchase the ad-free option to be accepting of our practice of using ad displays as a means of reducing the cost of the premium services that they benefit from.

Governing law

These terms and conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Illinois and all users irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in the state of Illinois.


Contacting The Physics Classroom

If you have questions regarding our Terms and Conditions statement, then please contact us for further clarification at our Contact Form.



Updated: 7/1/2024