Purchase The Teacher Presentation Pack Download

The Teacher Presentation Pack is a downloadable product. The cost of the Download Package is $40 (US). The download can be purchased using the Buy Now button below. The product is described on our main page. The contents are clearly and thoroughly described on our Contents page. We have provided answers to commonly asked questions on our FAQ page. Please be a responsible consumer and inform yourself about what you are purchasing. This is a digital download. Once purchased, the product is yours and a return and refund is not possible.

The download is processed and provided by our download service - Digital Product Delivery. All payments are processed through a secure PayPal portal. You can use either a Debit Card, a Credit Card, or via a PayPal account. Once the Payment is processed, you will be brought back to the DIgital Product Delivery website for immediate delivery of the Teacher Presentation Pack download file. The downloaded file has a size of 3.5 GB. It will take several minutes to download. You will need freed-up storage space on your device to store it on. You will also be provided the opportunity to view and print the Invoice for the purchase. The Invoice will also be mailed to the email address that you enter when making the purchase.


0,The Physics Classroom's Teacher Presentation Pack


Purchase Orders

Schools and other institutions that prefer to use a Purchase Order may do so. Use our Get a Quote form to request a purchase order or estimate, or combine multiple downloads and/or task tracker on a single order.