The Curriculum Corner

Welcome to the Curriculum Corner!

The Curriculum Corner consists of a collection of downloadable PDF files designed to complement the resources at The Physics Classroom. The PDF files come in two basic forms - as an entire packet (collection of pages) or as individual pages. PDF files are available for every unit covered at The Physics Classroom Tutorial. The files serve as classroom-ready handouts to be used by teachers with their classes. To view the files, a current version of Adobe Reader is required. The Adobe Reader plug-in is available free of charge at the Adobe website.

And Now With Chemistry

We continue to expand our resources here at The Physics Classroom. Over the course of the 2024-25 school year, we will be adding Chemistry think sheets to our Curriculum Corner section. You will find topics and links listed at the bottom of this page. We already have some units completed. Check back often to see our progress.

Uses of the Curriculum Corner

The Think Sheets for our Physics topics at The Curriculum Corner are designed to support students as they progress through topics at The Physics Classroom Tutorial. Each Think Sheet in a given unit is linked to a page (or two or ...) at the Tutorial. The URL of the corresponding Tutorial page is listed at the top of the packet page. Similarly, the pages within the packet are designed to prepare students for the successful completion of assignments of the Minds On Physics Internet Modules. The mission and module that corresponds to any given packet page is listed at the top of each page.

Think Sheets at The Curriculum Corner can be printed and distributed to classes and used as classwork.  We do not recommend using them as graded homework since students could purchase the Solutions Guide. (Please view Usage Policy.) Students can use the listed URLs of The Physics Classroom Tutorial to support them in the completion of the work. Some teachers may prefer to simply assign the readings from the Tutorials as homework and then use the Think Sheets during class as cooperative group activities or during guided practice sessions. However they are used, the pages at The Curriculum Corner are designed to lead students through an understanding of basic principles in a developmental manner. Questions on a given Think Sheet tend to build upon previous questions so that a conceptual understanding of the topic is gradually developed.

Our Solutions Guide product (Physics only) is also available for teachers who would like to have PDF files with answers to all the questions on all the Physics think sheets. This Solutions Guide product is available as a Digital Download.  Learn more.

We will eventually prepare a separate product for Solutions Guide product for our Chemistry think sheets. These will be two distinctly different products, purchased separately.


Think sheets are available for the following Physics topics:


Think sheets will soon be available for the following Chemistry topics: