Conceptual Physics Course Package - Contents, Topics, License
The following resources are included in the downloadable content that we make available as the Conceptual Physics Course Package:
For each of 12 topics, we include the following content:
Think Sheets:
Our downloadable package includes 110 Think Sheets spread across the 12 topics. These are one-sided, two-sided, and three-sided activities that can be distributed to students and used in class (or at home). The Think Sheets are available as both MS Word files and PDFs. The MS Word files are fully edittable with MS Word and any other program that can open a .docx file. Each Think Sheet references one or more pages of reading and (usually) one or more online activities that are supported by the Think Sheet and associated reading. (The online activities are not included in the download package. They are posted online at The Physics Classroom website.)
Answer Keys to Think Sheets:
The download contains as many Answer Keys as there are Think Sheets. These answer keys include answers, explanations, and solutions. Written in The Physics Classroom's usual, easy-to-understand language, these are perfect tools for in-lesson use to allow students and student groups to quickly check their work before progressing to the next part of the lesson.
Images and Images File:
Our Think Sheets have a strong visual emphasis. Lots of questions center around a diagram or a graph or a data table. Most of these graphics were created using the the graphic and shape tools provided in Microsoft Word. As such, we simply created a separate Images file for every unit and saved them as a Microsoft Word file. The images that you see in the Think Sheets can be found in the Images documents. They can be edited, re-purposed, and used to make similar questions for additional practice or for assessment, etc.
Student Lab Sheets:
This is a first for us. We are providing Student Lab Sheets to 55 labs. The Lab Sheets include a Purpose, Procedure, Data section, and a Conclusion section. There is an occassional section with Post-Lab Questions. Print them out and distribute them to students. Of if modifications are required, make the changes in Microsoft Word and customize it for your own students and your own laboratory needs.
Teacher Guides for Labs:
Each Lab is accompanied by a rather thorough Teacher's Guide. The Teacher's Guide includes the following sections: Topics, Time Estimate, Required Materials, Description of Procedure, Alternative Materials and Procedure, Safety Concerns, Suggestions/Precautions/Notes, and an Answer Key section for the Student Lab Sheets.
Student Learning Outcomes:
Each unit consists of a set of Learning Outcomes. These can be viewed online by visiting the Conceptual Physics course in the Lessons Plans and Pacing Guides section of our website. For each Learning Outcome, we have included links to associated Tutorial readings, instructional videos, simulations and student activity sheets, Concept Checkers that assess student understanding of the simulation, interactive activities that support the learning outcome, Labs that support the learning outcome, and Think Sheets that support the learning outcome. The Learning Outcomes page helps teachers to make easy work of the planning of lessons and units. It also provides teachers with multiple online resources that they can direct students to for additional practice and remediation. (NOTE: you are not downloading these online activities, tutorials, and videos that are mentioned on the Learning Outcomes page. They are freely available online. For an additional cost, you can purchase an ad-free or an ad-supported Task Tracker subscription that allows you to track students' progress on these activities. What you are buying is a curriculum package that can be used with or without our website activities. The downloadable package you are purchasing includes the Think Sheets, Answer Keys, Image Banks, and Teacher Guides. Oh, and a Bonus folder ...)
BONUS Folder:
Now we don't think you should buy this product because of the BONUS folder that we include with each unit. But we do think that you will LOVE this product even more because of the BONUS folder. There's plenty of content outside the BONUS folder. But then when you open up the BONUS folder, you will notice additional content that you probably didn't expect. For instance, you will find a Slide Deck for use with every unit; that's 12 Slide Decks in all consisting of anywhere between 20 slides (our first unit is short) and 70 elaborate slides. You will often find an additional lab or two, one or more additional Think Sheets (most of which include Answer Keys), an activity sheet for a Desmos activity, an occassional project idea, a graphic or photo, etc. This BONUS folder is where you will find our Inertia Cards and our Ohm Jokes. There's no telling what you're going to find in a BONUS folder. We just know you're going to smile even wider when you open it. The amount of content in the BONUS folders varies per unit.
What is NOT Included in the Downnload?
There's a lot of content in the download. But there are a few items that are noticeably absent. This is what you can expect to NOT be included with the download:
- Lesson Plans (These are included FREE on the website as HTML files. They are readily available ... but not in the download.)
- Quizzes
- Tests
- Answer Keys and Teacher Guides for all BONUS folder items (there are a lot of answer keys, but not for every item)
- Interactive Content from the Website (it's available on the website)
- Question Banks (we do have a Question Bank download with >9000 questions ... but this isn't it)
- Student Activity Sheets and Answer Keys for our Physics Interactives section (you might find a few in the BONUS folders ... but just a few)
- Answer Keys and Explanations to interactive Concept Builders, Minds On Physics, CalcPad, Concept Checkers, etc. (while these activities can be used with the curriculum, this package is not a doorway to source documents or answers for those activities)
- Trevor's autograph (Come on now! You'll have to pay a whole lot more for that.)
- A letter to your principal requesting a pay raise (you deserve it ... but your accomplishments are so vast, we just didn't know where to start)
Our Conceptual Physics curriculum provides coverage of 12 broad topic areas in Physics. There is no need to be surprised by what is and is not included in this downloadable course package. Details of Think Sheets and Lab Activities can be viewed by clicking the following links. The links will open a PDF in a separate browser tab. We identify the names of our Think Sheets and our Labs for each unit. And we have provided some brief information about what can be found in the BONUS folder for that unit.
Unit 1: Relationships and Graphs
Unit 2: Kinematics
Unit 3: Newton's Laws
Unit 4: Free Fall and Projectiles
Unit 5: Momentum and Collisions
Unit 6: Work and Energy
Unit 7: Circular and Satellite Motion
Unit 8: Electrostatics
Unit 9: Electric Circuits
Unit 10: Vibrations, Waves, and Sound
Unit 11: Light Waves and Color
Unit 12: Ray Optics
The Course Package supports the use of our Conceptual Physics course in the Lessons Plans and Pacing Guides section of our website. You will find learning outcomes, lesson plans, and suggested interactive activities at that location.
End User License Agreement
You are free to use the content with your students and other students in the school. You can share files with your students and other students in the school provided that the medium used to share files is password-protected and viewable only by students at your school (and their parents). As this is a for-sale product, you cannot make the files available through publicly accessible platforms that allow for use, downloading, and acquisition by others. Please password protect the contents of this package.
You are also free to edit the content of this downloaded package and to re-purpose images and MS Word documents to create derivative works. Those derivative works can be used and shared with your students and other students at your school provided that the medium used to share is password-protected and viewable only by students at your school (and their parents).
You are prohibited from selling the contents of this download package or any derivatives made from the contents of the package. And you are prohibited from including or using the contents or any derivatives in commercial products that are owned or managed by others.
The terms of this license apply to the students and teachers at your school with whom you share the files and derivative works.