Conceptual Physics Course Package

We will be beginning a project during the 2024-25 school year in which we create a package of materials to support teachers teaching a Conceptual Physics course. The downloadable package will include slide decks, think sheets, labs, quizzes, and tests. Answer keys will be provided. This will be a for-sale item that is offered to teachers. We hope to have the project completed before the start of the 2025-26 school year.

In creating our Lesson Plans and Learning Outcomes for this course we have referenced several of the items that we intend to place in the package. We have used red text wherever we have made such a reference. These items will only be available by purchase of the course package.

Experiments, Variables, and Relationships - Lesson Plans

The lesson plans below include links to the specific resources on our website.

Day 1 of Experiments, Variables, and Relationships

Lesson Plan
  1. Getting Ready
    • Seating Charts
    • Materials/Unit 1 Packet
    • What’s this course about?
  2. Policy Stuff (Abbreviated)
  3. A Look at Lab Notebooking and Claim-Evidence-Reasoning
  4. Lab 1 – Dune Buggy Challenge - purpose; set up data table; collect data (Stopwatch), hand-graph; Logger Pro graph; conclusion with Claim-Evidence-Reasoning
  1. Complete Lab 1 (if not done)
  2. Relax. Think good thoughts. Be like a proton. Stay positive. It’s going to be a great year.


Day 2 of Experiments, Variables, and Relationships

Lesson Plan
  1. Discuss Lab Safety and Other Policy Stuff
  2. Quickly review Dune Buggy Lab; discuss Claim-Evidence-Reasoning
  3. Discuss Types of Relationships
    Handouts: Short || Long || Slides
  4. Exercise on Desmos (Think Sheet)
    Links for Graph 1 || Graph 2 || Graph 3 || Graph 4 || Graph 5
  1. Read/Review Types of Relationships (Short || Long || Slides)
  2. Always work on relationships. Do all that is in your power to keep good ones.


Day 3 of Experiments, Variables, and Relationships

Lesson Plan
  1. Policy/Logistics, including Lab Reporting Guidelines
  2. Review: Relationship Types (Short || Long || Slides) and Dependent vs. Independent Variables; This and That
  3. Pair Practice: Relationships and Proportional Reasoning Think Sheet; complete with your partner; check answers
  4. Lab 2: Bounce Height
    ==Collect data and plot using graphing software
    ==Complete lab in your lab notebook (Purpose, Data, Graph, Claim-Evidence-Reasoning)
  1. Complete Lab 2 (if not done)
  2. Physics class is just warming up … learning skills for doing Physics


Day 4 of Experiments, Variables, and Relationships

Lesson Plan
  1. Policy/Logistics
  2. Discuss the concept and mathematics of slope
  3. Guided and Individual Practice: Using Graphs Think Sheet (Short Version)
  4. Register for Task Tracker class at The Physics Classroom (Directions)
    Your class sign-up code is: ___________________
  5. Concept Builder: Calculating Slope
  1. Complete Lab 1 (if not done)
  2. Relax. Think good thoughts. Be like a proton. Stay positive. It’s going to be a great year.


Day 5 of Experiments, Variables, and Relationships

Lesson Plan
  1. Revisit Lab Reporting Guidelines; emphasis on Claim-Evidence-Reasoning
  2. Practice and Check: Claim-Evidence-Reasoning
  3. Review: Relationship Types and Dependent vs. Independent Variables; This and That
  4. Lab 3 – Paragraph Graphs (view Data Sheet)
  1. Complete Lab 3 (if not done) Need help? Review Lab Report Guidelines.
  2. You should now have three labs completed in your lab notebook.
  3. Tomorrow is a Concept Builder day. Make sure you bring a powered-up Chromebook.


Day 6 of Experiments, Variables, and Relationships

Lesson Plan
  1. Review Resource Materials – Handouts, Slide Decks, Practice Pages, Help Me! button
  2. Chromebook Time:
    Log into The Physics Classroom. Visit your Assigned Tasks page. And use the links you find there to complete the following Concept Builders. Use your resources. Help one another. Come forward with your Chromebook for help from me when needed.
    Which One Doesn’t Belong? Relationships (on Relationships)
    Proportional Reasoning (on Relationships)
    Experiments and Variables (on Variables, Experimental Design, and Graphs)
  1. If not done, complete the 3 Concept Builders; due on Day 8.
  2. Slowing Down Wisdom: Slowing down is often a faster way to complete your work (and learn) than trying to rush through it. Take time to slow down … so that you can read more carefully, so you can reference an in-class handout, so you can read notes you’ve recorded in your notebook, so you can use the Help Me! button, and so you can reflect on what you know and don’t know. Slowing down is the fastest way to learn!


Day 7 of Experiments, Variables, and Relationships

Lesson Plan
  1. Process Concept Builders; entertain questions; discuss Slowing Down Wisdom
  2. Review Unit 1 on Experiments, Relationships, and Graphs
  3. Lab 4: Stopping Distance (<==Click link to visit Page) View Handout
    ==Discuss lab concept, notebook set up, data plotting software, link to web page
    ==Collect data, plot data, complete lab and report
  1. Complete Lab 4 (if not done)
  2. If not done, complete the Concept Builder work at The Physics Classroom; due on Day 8.
  3. There will be a short quiz at the end of Day 8.


Day 8 of Experiments, Variables, and Relationships

Lesson Plan
  1. Lab 5 – Does Mass Matter?
    ==Discuss lab set-up, meaning of period, procedural tips
    ==Collect data, analyze, complete lab
  2. Quiz on Experiments, Relationships, and Graphs
  1. Complete Lab 5 (if not done)
  2. Notebooks will be collected at the end of class on Day 9. View Scoring Rubric.
  3. Physics begins moving tomorrow. Bring your racing shoes!