Conceptual Physics Course Package
We are nearing completion of our Conceptual Physics Course Package. This downloadable package will include Think Sheets created specifically for a Conceptual Physics course. The Think Sheets will be available in Microsoft Word format, allowing teachers to easily make changes and customize the product. Answer sheets will be provided in both PDF and Microsoft Word format. Each unit contains a file titled ImageBanks which includes graphics used in the Think Sheets, allowing teachers the ability to modify them and re-purpose them for quizzes, tests, and other products. The downloadable package also included an entire lab program for our 12 units. This will include Student Activity Sheets and Teacher Guides in Microsoft Word format. The Teacher Guides include expected answers and to the Student Activity Sheets, time estimates, material lists, a description of alternative materials and methods, procedural details, and words of caution. Finally, each unit is equipped with a Bonus folder that has a generous collection of other goodies of interest to teachers of the course.
We are expecting the product to be complete and available for purchase in April or May of 2025. An update will be provided once the project is complete.
In creating our Lesson Plans and Learning Outcomes for this course we have referenced several of the items that we intend to place in the package. We have used red text wherever we have made such a reference. These items will only be available by purchase of the course package.
Ray Optics
The lesson plans below include links to the specific resources on our website.
Teacher Guides for labs can be found
NOTE: All CalcPad problem sets are customized problem sets created specifically for this course. The links direct users to the Guest version. Task Tracker users should use the link on the Task Tracker page to the trackable CalcPad version.
Day 1 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Introduction to unit; distinguish between reflection and refraction
- Lab 1 - The Law of Reflection
Do and post-lab
- Discuss law of reflection and terminology (normal, incident/reflected rays, angles of incidence/reflection)
- Pair Practice: Light Reflection Think Sheet
- Concept Builder: Law of Reflection (Apprentice Level only)
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Reflection and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 1, Parts a - c
- Minds On Physics: Mission RM1 on Law of Reflection
Day 2 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Lab 2 - Images
Do and post-lab; discuss what an image is and how an image is formed; animation
- Individual/Guided: Plane Mirror Image Formation Think Sheet
- Draw your first ray diagram to show how light travels from object to mirror to eye as you sight at an image.
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Reflection and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 2, Parts a-c
- Minds On Physics: Mission RM2 on Plane Mirror Images
Day 3 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Individual/Guided: Plane Mirror Ray Diagrams Think Sheet
- Lab 3 - The Six Foot Person Problem
Do and post-lab; collect and compare class data; draw conclusion
- Start Physics Interactives: Plane Mirror Images (with Built-in Progress Tracking)
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Reflection and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 2, Part d
- Finish Physics Interactives: Plane Mirror Images
Day 4 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Review Lab 3
- Pair Practice: What Portion ... and Who Can ... Think Sheet
Complete and check answers; then do ...
- Physics Interactives: Who Can See Who? with Concept Checker
Do and process; then complete Concept Checker
- If time allows, start Concept Builder: Who Can See Who?
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Reflection and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 2, Part d
- Concept Builder: Who Can See Who?
Day 5 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Discuss diffuse vs. specular reflection; demonstrations; use Specular vs. Diffuse Reflection Think Sheet
- Start Curved Mirrors:
Lab 4 - Exploring Curved Mirrors
Do and post-lab
- Quick Quiz on Learning Outcomes #1-4
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Reflection and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 3, Parts a - c
- Minds On Physics: Mission RM4 on Regular vs. Diffuse Reflection
Day 6 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Discuss concave vs. convex, terminology (principal axis, focal point, center of curvature, f, and R); rules of reflection; use Spherical Mirrors Think Sheet
- Physics Interactives: Concave Mirror Image Formation (as a demonstration)
- Lab 5 - Finding Smiley
Do and post-lab
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Reflection and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 3, Parts d-e
- Complete Lab 5
Day 7 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Physics Interactives: Optics Bench - Mirrors with Student Activity Sheet
Do and process
- Guided Practice: Ray Diagrams for Concave Mirrors Think Sheet
- Concept Checker: Optics Bench - Mirrors
- Review was needed: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Reflection and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 3, Parts d-e
- Minds On Physics: Mission RM6 on Concave Mirror Images
- If not finished in class, complete Concept Checker: Optics Bench - Mirrors
Day 8 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Discuss Convex Mirrors - image formation (demonstration); rules of reflection; nature of images
- Guided/Individual Practice: Ray Diagrams for Convex Mirrors Think Sheet
- Concept Builder: The Lost Art of Image Description (Curved Mirrors)
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Reflection and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 4, Parts a-c
- Minds On Physics: Mission RM9 on Convex Mirror Images
Day 9 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Review; then Pair Practice: Object-Image Relations Think Sheet
Do and check answers; then complete
- Physics Interactives: Name That Image (with built-in Task Tracking)
- Quick Quiz on Learning Outcomes #5-#9
- Complete all unfinished work
- The refraction portion of the unit begins tomorrow!
Day 10 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Lab 6 - Introduction to Refraction
Do and process; discuss the what, when, how, why, and when not of refraction
- Discuss refraction: boundary behavior; bending of light's path; media ∆ ==> speed ∆ ==> direction ∆; towards vs. away from the normal; angles of incidence and refraction
- Pair Practice: Refraction Think Sheet
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Refraction and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 1, Parts a-d
- Minds On Physics: Mission RL1 on Meaning and Cause of Refraction
Day 11 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Discuss the Direction of Bending
Reason through rules for towards and away from normal if given relative speeds, relative densities, and relative n values
- Guided/Individual Practice: Two Rules, Three Ways Think Sheet
Do and check answers;; then start ...
- Concept Builder: Refraction - Law Enforcement
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Refraction and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 1, Parts e-f
- Finish Concept Builder: Refraction - Law Enforcement if not completed in class
Day 12 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Review; then allow some time to apply. Start:
Minds On Physics: Mission RL2 on Light Speed and Refraction
Minds On Physics: Mission RL3 on Optical Density, n, and Refraction
- Lab 7 - How Much?
Assign angles to different lab groups (all 2's ... 12°, 22°, 32°, 42°, 52°, etc, to one lab group; all 3s to another lab group, etc.); pool class data in a Google Sheet; inspect the two possible graphs; decide on best equation; don't give much attention to the meaning of sine (postpone for later)
- Finish Mission RL2 and Mission RL3 if not completed in class
Day 13 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Complete Lab 7 - How Much?
Process results; develop a Snell's Law equation; define terms in the equation
- Guided/Individual Practice: Index of Refraction Studies Think Sheet (selected Qs)
Given a Sine Table and the path of light at a boundary, measure angles and determine the index of refraction of a material
- Science Reasoning Center: Snell's Law
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Refraction and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 2, Parts a-b
- Complete Science Reasoning Center: Snell's Law
Day 14 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Guided/Individual Practice: Complete Index of Refraction Studies Think Sheet (selected Qs)
- Lab 8 - Determinging n Lab
Given a prism, shine laser light through it; mark path of light. Construct normal and measure angles. Use Snell's law and a sine table to calculate the index of refraction. Repeat for a second prism.
- Quick Quiz on Outcomes #10-#12
- Complete analysis and write-up on Lab 8 - Determinging n Lab
Day 15 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Physics Interactives: Refraction Simulation with Student Activity Sheet
- Discuss Total Internal Reflection
What it is, when it happens (2 requirements; critical angle def'n and equation; clarify the three cases: angle of incidence 1) < critical angle, 2) = critical angle, and 3) > critical angle; demonstrations
- Complete: Total Internal Reflection Concept Checker
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Refraction and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 3, Parts b-c
- If not done in class, complete Total Internal Reflection Concept Checker
Day 16 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Review Critical Angle equation; a couple of practice problems
- Pair Practice: Total Internal Reflection Think Sheet
- Lab 9 - A Critical Lab
- If time allows, start Concept Builder: Total Internal Reflection
- Concept Builder: Total Internal Reflection
- Minds On Physics: Mission RL5 on Total Internal Reflection
Day 17 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Lab 10 - Exploring Lenses Lab
- Discuss Lenses using Lenses Think Sheet; use whiteboard optics demonstrations where possible; demonstrate object-image relatioships
- Minds On Physics: Mission RL7 on Converging vs. Diverging Lenses
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Refraction and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 5, Parts a - c
- If not done in class, complete Mission RL7
Day 18 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Lab 11 - The L•O•S•T Art of Image Description
- Discuss ray diagramming and object-image relationships using Ray Diagrams for Converging Lenses Think Sheet
- Concept Builder: The L•O•S•T Art of Image Description (Converging Lenses)
- Reading: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Reflection and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 5, Parts d - e
- If not done in class, complete Concept Builder: The L•O•S•T Art of Image Description (Converging Lenses)
Day 19 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Physics Interactives: Optics Bench - Lenses with Student Activity Sheet
Do and process; follow-up with the Concept Checker
- Minds On Physics: Mission RL9 on Image Characteristics for Converging Lenses
- Review as needed: Physics Classroom Tutorial, Refraction and the Ray Model of Light: Lesson 5, Parts d - e
- Work on unfinished work
Day 20 of Ray Optics
Lesson Plan
- Discuss diverging lenses; ray diagrams and object-image relationships; use Ray Diagrams for Diverging Lenses Think Sheet
- Minds On Physics: Mission RL11 on Image Characteristics for Diverging Lenses
- Review unit and discuss tomorrow's test
- Prepare for Tomorrow's Test
- Complete all unfinished work