The Graph That Motion activity presents 11 challenges to the user. Each challenge demands that they match the motion of an animated car to the corresponding position-time or velocity-time graph. Once the 11 matches have been completed, users can check their answers. If any of the 11 challenges are incorrect, users can correct their answers and check them again until they are perfect.
1. Once you have read the directions, click on the link at the bottom of this directions page to open the Graph That Motion Activity page.
2. From the opening screen, click on the Start button.
3. Enter your first and last name. If working with a partner (recommended), enter their first and last name. Then click the Continue button.
4. Use the on-screen buttons (A-K, Replay, Erase, Check Answers) and field to complete the activity.
5. The 11 graphs below must be matched to the 11 animations seen on the screen. Once all 11 matches have been made, you will be able to check your answers. You will be given feedback and can make alterations until all your answers are perfect. Inform your teacher when you have completed the activity or decide to quit so that he/she can record your score as reported on the screen.

6. Use the space below to assist in organizing your answers and making corrections. The first two rows are examples.

Start Activity