Vectors and Projectiles - Mission VP6 Detailed Help

A boat begins at point A and heads straight across a river. Because of the 2 m/s river current, the boat lands on the opposite shore at point C. If the river current was 1 m/s, then the boat ...

If a boat heads straight across a river, then it is the motor of the boat that provides the power to carry the boat perpendicular to the river's banks. While the boat heads towards the opposite shore, it is the current that provides the power to carry the boat parallel to the river's banks. The current carries the boat down the river. And the distance that the boat is carried down the river is dependent upon the time of travel and the speed of the current. For faster river speeds, the boat reaches the opposite shore at locations further downstream (see Formula Frenzy section).

For a boat that heads straight across a river, the distance which it travels downstream is dependent upon the time of travel and the river velocity in accordance with the formula:
ddownstream= vriver• time