Sound and Music - Mission SM2 Detailed Help

TRUE      or      FALSE:
A loud sound has a greater speed than a soft sound. Yelling loud would make a sound wave travel measurably faster.
(Note: The actual true-false statement is randomly selected from a collection of statements and may differ from the one shown above.)

Factors Affecting Wave Speed:
The speed of a wave is dependent upon the properties of the medium through which the wave is moving. An alteration in the properties of the medium will result in a change in the speed at which the wave moves through that medium.

Many students are under the impression that the speed of a wave is dependent upon the properties of a wave. For instance, some believe that a more intense wave will travel faster than a less intense wave. That is, a holler will travel through air at a faster speed than a whisper. But don't be fooled! The speed at which sound waves travel through air is dependent upon the properties of the air - mainly the temperature. Only by altering the properties of a medium can the speed of sound be altered.

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