Reflection and Mirrors - Mission RM6 Detailed Help

When an object is placed ___ in front of a concave mirror, then one can be certain that an image will not be formed.

The LOST Art of Image Formation:
The characteristics of images formed by concave mirrors is dependent upon the location of the object. Varying the object location results in different image characteristics. This question concerns four specific characteristics that are easily remembered by the mnemonic LOSTLocation, Orientation, Size and Type.  The general idea is that the principal axis can be divided into three regions - the region behind the center of curvature, the region in front of the focal point and the region between the center of curvature and the focal point. The characteristics of the image will be predictably the same whenever the object is within a given region, no matter where within the region it is. If the object is between regions - at the center of curvature or at the focal point, then the characteristics of the image will be predictably different than if the object were in the region itself.

The collection of questions within this mission require a good deal of mental (and probably physical) organization on the part of the student. You likely have received a handout or a collection of class notes on the topic. A web page from The Physics Classroom Tutorial (see Hot Link section) exists that thoroughly addresses the topic. It is recommended that you take some time to organize yourself properly before answering these questions. Using a table or a diagram, describe the characteristics of an image for each of the regions and for the two points (C and F) for a concave mirror. Use the LOST model described in the Know the Law section. Once organized, you will benefit greatly from the effort made to do so; and you will likely never miss a question on this mission and never have to refer to this help page again.

Many students remember that there is one location along the principal axis of a concave mirror where something rather odd occurs. Indeed there is. Unfortunately though, a less than solid grasp of the topic leads to confusion about that location. But don't be fooled! Something unique occurs at both the center of curvature (C) and at the focal point (F). When the object is at the focal point, an image is not formed at all. When the object is at the center of curvature, an image is formed at the center of curvature - at the same location and with the same size as the object.