Circular Motion and Gravitation Notebook Labs

The following items should be in the Circular Motion and Gravitation portion of your notebook. They should be clearly organized and easy to find. Use an organizational system and label all work. Each lab will be graded separately.

CG1. Making the Turn Lab

What is the direction of the velocity of and the net force upon a passenger in a car which is making a left hand turn?

To describe the direction of the velocity of and the net force on a passenger in a car which is making a left hand turn - with and without a car door.

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, Purpose, Data section, and a Conclusion/Discussion of Results. The Data section should include an organized and informative record of your observations of the motion of the ball relative to the board using both words and a diagram. The Conclusion/Discussion should answer the question posed in the Purpose and cite the evidence (observations) which support such a conclusion.

CG2. Loop the Loop Lab

How does the strength of the tension force on a bucket when at the top of a vertical loop compare to the strength of the tension force when at the bottom of the loop?

To determine the relative strength of the tension force on a bucket when it is at the top and at the bottom of the vertical loop through which it moves.

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, a Conclusion/Discussion of Results and Post-Lab Questions. The Data section should include an organized and informative record of your observations of the tightness of the string around your hand for the two locations. The Conclusion/Discussion should discuss and answer the question raised in the Purpose of the lab. And the Post-Lab Questions section should included the provided page of post-lab analysis questions.

CG3. Race Track Lab

What is the most effective strategy for successfully guiding a simulated car around a race track using force buttons and how does the strategy relate to Newton's laws of motion and vector principles?

To use Newton's laws of motion and vector principles to successfully guide a simulated car around a race track using force buttons, to describe a successful strategy for doing so, and to relate the strategy to Newton's laws of motion.

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, and a Conclusion/Discussion of Results. The Data section must include the instructors initials indicating that you successfully navigated the track (and also include any notes which you wish to take). The Conclusion/Discussion describes the features of a successful strategy, focusing on how to avoid troublesome situations and what to consider when confronted with a difficult move . Particular attention should be given to how to navigate a turn. The application of Newton's laws of motion to the strategy should be explicitly explained.

CG4. The Great Mass Attraction Simulation

What is the effect of varying separation distance, object mass and planet mass upon the gravitational force of attraction between an object and a planet?

To determine the effect of separation distance, object mass and planet mass upon the gravitational force of attraction between an object and a planet.

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, and a Conclusion/Discussion of Results. The Data section should include the provided diagram, data table and accompanying questions. The Conclusion/Discussion should include a thorough discussion of the answer to the question posed in the Purpose of the lab; the discussion should include both qualitative and quantitative information about the relationships.

CG5. Solar System Sports Spreadsheet Study

(To be identified by the student.)

(To be identified by the student.)

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, a Conclusion and a Discussion of Results. In this lab, you will be provided a spreadsheet which models the motion of a projectile in a gravitational field. Input variables for the spreadsheet include object mass, planet mass, planet radius, initial height, initial velocity, and launch angle. Output variables include force of gravity, net force, acceleration, velocity and position - each being listed as a function of time. You will identify a purpose you wish to study using the spreadsheet. You must run at least two trials as a comparison-contrast associated with your question. The purpose should involve a comparison of the an athletic event (or similar activity) on Earth with the same event on another planet. The Purpose should be a succinct statement which focuses on an intriguing and ambitious question which can be answered by the spreadsheet. The Description of Study section should include a discussion of how you conducted your study so as to accomplish the purpose; explain what input variables you modified or kept fixed and what output variables you observed. The Data section should list the input data and include pertinent output data related to your purpose. The Data section should also include a trajectory plot (y-position vs. time for 1-D motion or y-position vs. x-position for 2-D motion) and one other plot related to your study. The Conclusion/Discussion should provide the answer to the question posed in the purpose of the lab and include a discussion of the evidence and rationale which lead from data to answer.

CG6. Satellite Motion Simulation

How do the magnitude and direction of the velocity and net force vector for a perfectly circular orbit of a satellite compare to that for an elliptical orbit of a satellite?

To compare and contrast the magnitude and direction of the velocity and the net force for a perfectly circular orbit of a satellite to the elliptical orbit of a satellite.

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, and a Conclusion/Discussion of Results. The Data section should include the provided sheet. The Conclusion/Discussion should include a comparison of the two types of orbital motion - circular and elliptical. Attention should be given to how the magnitude of the v and Fnet vectors change (or don't change) during the orbit and their direction relative to each other.

CG7. The Law of Harmonies Analysis

What is the evidence which supports Kepler's third law of motion?

To use calculations in order to describe the evidence which supports Kepler's third law of motion.

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, and a Conclusion/Discussion of Results. The Data section should include the provided sheet. At least one sample calculation should be shown. The Conclusion/Discussion should include a discussion of how the evidence from planetary data support Kepler's law of harmonies.

CG8. Jupiter's Moons Analysis

Does Kepler's law of harmonies apply to satellites other than Sun-orbiting satellites? Do they apply to Jupiter's moons?

To determine if Kepler's third law of motion applies to Jupiter's moons and to describe the evidence which supports such a conclusion.

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, and a Conclusion/Discussion of Results. The Data section should include the provided sheet. At least one sample calculation should be shown. The Conclusion/Discussion should answer the question posed in the Purpose and describe the manner in which the evidence supports the conclusion which is made.

CG9. The Mass of Saturn Analysis

What is the mass of Saturn?

To use period-radius data for the moons of Saturn in order to determine the mass of Saturn.

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, and a Conclusion/Discussion of Results. The Data section should include the provided sheet. At least one sample calculation should be shown; treatment of the units and conversions to kg should be clear. The Conclusion/Discussion should answer the question posed in the Purpose and describe the manner in which the evidence supports the conclusion which is made.

CG10. The Mini Drop Lab

Consider an object free-falling from rest and eventually stopping upon contact with the ground. How does the value of the contact force compare to the object's weight at the various phases during its fall?

To compare the value of the contact force exerted upon an object (for a 1-kg object free-falling from rest to the ground and eventually stopping) to the object's weight and to use Newton's laws to explain the relative magnitude.

A complete lab write-up includes a Title, a Purpose, a Data section, a Conclusion/Discussion of Results. The Data section should include an organized listing of the contact force for at least three phases of the motion - when at rest (just prior to falling), during the falling motion, and during the stopping motion. The Conclusion/Discussion should describe how the contact force value compares to the weight and explicitly use Newton's laws to explain why it is equal to, less than and greater than the weight.