The Slinky Lab Interactive provides the user with a virtual slinky. The slinky consists of a collection of dots to represent its coils. Any individual dot can be grabbed at one location and shook back and forth to create vibrations. The vibrations travel through the slinky from the location where it is shook to the ends and then back. Modifications can be made to the properties of the slinky (tension, density and damping) and the manner in which it is vibrated.
Users are encouraged to open the Interactive and explore. Or if a more directed experience is desired, The Physics Classroom has prepared an activity to accompany this Interactive. The activity was designed with the intent of it being used by classroom teachers with their classes.
Learners and Instructors may also be interested in viewing the accompanying
Notes page. Technical information, teaching suggestions, and related resources that complement this Interactive are provided on the Notes page. View

Our Slinky Wave Simulator is now available with a Concept Checker. Do the simulation. Then follow it up with the
Concept Checker.
The Physics Classroom credits our friends at Nerd Island Studios for creating and contributing this Interactive to the Physics Interactives collection. You can find more great stuff, like the Step-2-Step iPad app, at Nerd Island Studio's website (