Concept Checker for Kinematic Graphing Simulation (Two Stage usage mode)

Our Concept Checker for the Kinematic Graphing simulation consists of 28 questions organized into 7 Question Groups. Students must correctly answer one question from each Question Group to earn the Trophy for this Concept Checker.

Like all our Concept Checkers, it is designed to be used as a follow-up to the use of the Kinematic Graphing simulation. The Kinematic Graphing simulation includes three different usage modes. This Concept Checker focuses on the second of the three - Two Stage Motion.  (NOTE: there is another Concept Checker that is ideally suited to The Basic 6 usage mode.)

The Concept Checker targets student understanding of the following learning outcomes:
  • The student should be able to relate the features of a position-time graph to the characteristics of the object's motion.
  • The student be able to relate the features of a velocity-time graph to the characteristics of the object's motion.

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