Additional Learning Tools and Resources

Watching a presentation is a passive activity. Getting information is important ... but its not the destination or end point. Now that you've watched the video, its time to do something with the information you've heard. It's time to act on it. The resources below provide an opportunity to do this. We encourage learners to solidify their learning through the use of one or more of the following resources.


Concept Builder: Free Fall

We think a Concept Builder is among the best ways to strengthen what you've learned in a Video Tutorial. Try this one to see if you understand the kinematics descriptions of a free-falling object.

Concept Builder: Up and Down

This Concept Builder will strengthen your ability to compare the velocities and accelerations for various locations in an up-and-down free fall motion.


Science Reasoning Center, Kinematics Section, Kinematics Reading Passage

Learn about representations of free fall, improve your science reasoning skills, and even gain a feel for what an ACT-style sceince passage is like. Try the passage titled Kinematics; it's the first one on the page.

The Physics Classroom Tutorial: 1D Kinematics, Lesson 5

Our Tutorial provides a detailed discussion of physics concepts. Lesson 5 of the Kinematics chapter includes 5 pages that will serve as a great reference.