Static Electricity - Mission SE3 Detailed Help

Two neutral objects - object A and object B - are rubbed together. During the process, electrons are transferred from object A to object B. This would cause object A to acquire a _____ charge and object B to acquire a _____ charge.

Charged vs. Uncharged ObjectsWhether or not an object is charged or uncharged (neutral) depends on whether the numbers of protons (+ type of charge) or electrons (- type of charge) are balanced or imbalanced. A neutral object possesses the same amount of the two types of charge while a charged object has a balance of the two types of charge. If an object is charged, then it can be either positively or negatively charged. A positively charged object possesses more protons than electrons and a negatively charged object possesses more electrons than protons.

Objects A and B have been charged by friction (see Know the Law section). In the process, once-neutral object A lost electrons and once-neutral object B gained electrons. This gives object A a shortage of electrons and object B an excess of electrons. Both objects A and B will have an imbalance of the two types of charge. If necessary, read the Know the Law section to determine the type of charge on these two objects.

Triboelectric Charging
Triboelectric charging (aka, charging by friction) is the charging process that usually involves the rubbing together of two objects of dissimilar materials in order to transfer electrons from one object to the other. The object made of the material with the greatest affinity for electrons is the object that receives the electrons; the object with the lesser affinity for electrons provides the electrons. The process usually involves the rubbing of the two materials because it increases the amount of close intimate contact between the different atoms and allows for more electrons to be transferred.