Task Tracker Seat and Cost Calculator (2024-25 School Year)

Our Seat and Cost Calculator allows you to calculate the number of seats required for the 2024-2025 school year and the cost of those seats. To use the calculator, you need to know the number of total students that will be using the Task Tracker program and what features they will be using. We will have five features available for 2024. Use the links to learn more about these features.

It is often the case for larger subscriptions that not all students in the subscription will be using the same features. For instance, some students in some courses might just use Concept Builders and students in other courses might be using Concept Builders plus the Calculator Pad and still other courses might be using all five features. We can help with that but you will need to know the details in order for us to calculate the number of seats that need to be purchased for your subscription. 

The minimum seat purchase is $50. If you only need 30 seats, the cost is still $50. You can contact us via email and we would be glad to suggest ways to use those unused seats.

Finally, we will be offering and highly recommending an ad-free option again in 2024-25. The ad-free option is available for individuals at the cost of $3/person/year. Teachers and schools can add the ad-free option to their subscription at the additional cost of $2/student. Teachers who are added to the subscription will automatically receive ad-free accounts. The purchase of ad-free accounts will not affect the total number of seats. 

Use our 2024-25 Seat Calculator below to plan the number of seats that you need to purchase. The exact uses of those seats is indicated after the subscription is purchased and a teacher or teachers is/are added to the subscription.

NOTE: This is the 2024-25 Seat and Cost Calculator. The 2023-24 Seat and Cost Calculator can be found here.


If you have questions, then please contact Tom via email: